Uncontested and Mediated Divorce

Attorney Farley specializes in uncontested and mediated divorce. These methods focus on minimizing conflict, reducing costs, and ensuring a fair and efficient resolution.

Uncontested Divorce An uncontested divorce occurs when both parties sign consent forms agreeing to the end of the marriage. Some cases include assets and debts and in an uncontested case, typically the parties will sign a settlement agreement discussing the division of all marital assets and debts. This type of divorce can be quicker and less expensive than a contested divorce, as it avoids the need for a lengthy court battle. Attorney Farley will guide you through the process, ensuring that all agreements are documented properly and filed with the court, so you can move forward with confidence and peace of mind. Typically only Attorney Farley attends court to file the papers and you will not even need to interrupt your schedule to be present as matters will be settled.

Mediated Divorce Mediated divorce involves a neutral third party, known as a mediator, who helps both parties negotiate and reach mutually-acceptable solutions to the outstanding issues. Attorney Farley, a trained family-law mediator, facilitates mediation hearing from both sides in terms of their goals with respect to the divorce.  This process allows for more control over the outcome. Feeling more in control allows you to piece your life back together. The goal is a final written settlement agreement, reviewed by the parties (their separate lawyer if they have one) and then signed by both parties.

Benefits of Uncontested and Mediated Divorces

  • Reduced Costs: Both uncontested and mediated divorces can be less expensive than traditional litigated divorces.
  • Faster Resolution: These processes are typically quicker, allowing you to move on with your life sooner.
  • Less Conflict: By encouraging cooperation and communication, these methods help reduce the emotional strain of divorce. Meetings can be held by Zoom or other remote technology when requested. Both parties sign a Mediation Agreement before the first session agreeing to follow certain rules during the meeting with Mediator.
  • Confidentiality: Mediation sessions are always private, and agreements are made outside of court, ensuring discretion.
  • Greater Control: Both parties have more control over the final agreement, rather than leaving decisions up to a Divorce Master or Judge.
  • Room for Creative Solutions: a mediated solution may include creative ways to resolve things, which may not be available through a litigated result.

Attorney Farley is committed to providing options for a less painful and more streamlined divorce.